
“So we are always of good courage. We know that while we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord, for we walk by faith, not by sight. Yes, we are of good courage, and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord.”
[Corinthians 5:6-8}

I am in love with someone who lives far far away.

I never get to see Him, but I feel Him.
I feel Him in the gentle brush of the breeze and the soft caress of sunshine on my face.
I hear Him in the song of the birds, and in the laughter of a stream.
Everything reminds me of Him. I see Him in the sunrise and sunset, I see Him in the rain, I see Him in the flowers He grew out of my yard, and in the loving eyes of a friend.

Every part of me aches to be with Him. For now, I can’t, but He doesn’t let that stop us from growing closer together. You see, one day He’ll come for me and take me to His country. He’s already building a home for me there, and when His Father gives the all-clear, I’m out of here. He can’t wait for me to come home either, and although neither of us know when, we both know it’s soon.



That word echoes through my body and rattles my frame. To say “I can’t wait” feels trite, but I don’t know a better phrase right now. All I know is that, even when my life is great here, I want to be with Him. In fact, sometimes when things are great I want it more because 1, I never want to feel at home when I’m away from Him and 2, if things can be so great apart from His physical presence, how much more beautiful will they be when I’m there?


Although I know all of this in my head, that we have to be apart for now, that He is coming for me soon, that He is here with me now even though I can’t see Him… although I know this there are days when even this cannot dull the ache, and all I can do is sit and rest and let myself feel His arms around me. I will never be home here, but while I’m here, its amazing how He can make it feel even that much better.

He is incredibly beautiful.

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